We believe that Jesus is God's good news to all.
We believe that through knowing Jesus, God can be known as our heavenly Father and that through the Holy Spirit we can trust, love and worship Him.
We believe that the Bible is God's holy book, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that what the Bible says, God says. We can meet God in the Bible and He teaches us, by His Holy Spirit, what to believe about Him and how to live for Him.
We believe that the world's greatest need is to hear this good news and respond to it. That is why we want to encourage people ...

- The good news is that Jesus is God's Son who was born into this world as one of us to become our Saviour and Lord
- Jesus lived a perfect life of obedience to His Father, showing us how to live God's life, and so His death on the cross and resurrection bring us forgiveness and a new life
- The good news calls us to respond and trust in Jesus so that we receive peace with God and by then power of the Holy Spirit to turn from our wrong thoughts, desires and actions
- The good news gives us a desire to live for Jesus now and to share this good news with all.
We believe that through knowing Jesus, God can be known as our heavenly Father and that through the Holy Spirit we can trust, love and worship Him.
- Our faith is empowered by Jesus' presence - through the Holy Spirit
- Our lives are supported by the family of Jesus - the church
- Our worship involves praising Jesus - with everything that we have, and in everything that we do
- Our hope enables us to live Jesus' life now as we lift our eyes from the present to the future - with Jesus in heaven
We believe that the Bible is God's holy book, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that what the Bible says, God says. We can meet God in the Bible and He teaches us, by His Holy Spirit, what to believe about Him and how to live for Him.
- In our church life and in our personal lives we submit to the authority of the Bible
- In our church meetings we place an emphasis on teaching from the Bible
- In our church family we encourage personal and group Bible study
We believe that the world's greatest need is to hear this good news and respond to it. That is why we want to encourage people ...
- To turn from their selfish lives and submit to Jesus as Saviour and Lord
- To experience the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives
- To know God as Father
- To discover God's will and purpose for their lives
- To take part in the life of His family, the church
- To bring the good news of Jesus to their families, friends and colleagues